We communicate care in everything we do

We communicate care in everything we do

We support you in designing innovative communication strategies and services in the field of healthcare and digital health.
Contact us

We are not just communication consultants, we are your partners in thinking

We guide companies, institutions and organizations in the design and development of projects and services, with a consultancy approach.
We help you focus your ideas, also through research and co-design workshops, develop them, coordinate the resources involved, enhance the value of actions and results, generate public engagement, and create value.

Our areas

  • Health and Welfare

    Health and Welfare

    We design services and communication campaigns that aim to have a significant impact on the well-being of people, organisations and communitie
  • Digital Innovation

    Digital Innovation

    We support you in developing digital solutions to optimise flows and processes, support professionals and people and generate social change
  • Culture and Humanities

    Culture and Humanities

    We acknowledge the value of culture and the arts as health-promoting resources and we explore complexity by fostering connections between the humanities, social sciences and biomedical sciences
  • Health Education

    Health Education

    We promote health literacy, patient education as a tool for engagement and training for health professionals, an essential tool for updating knowledge and skills

What we do


    Research and development of concept and business ideas

    Participatory design and co-design with end-users

    European projects

    Project coordination

    Communication and dissemination



    Web design

    Content strategy and social media

    Public engagement

    Data Visualization

    Video, Photo & Motion graphic

    Event organization

    Awareness campaign


    UX Research

    Service design

    UX/UI design

    Mobile app for healthcare

    Digital Decision aid tool

    Serious game and educational tool

    Software development and digital platforms according to interoperability standards and privacy by design


    Training and education for health professionals, patients and companies

    Medical Humanities and Narrative Medicine

    Digital skills training

    In-company training and team building

How we do it

  • With curiosity

    Before we even begin to submit a proposal, we will ask you a lot of questions: we want to understand what your need is and what goals you want to achieve; only then can we define with you what activities to carry out and accompany you in the implementation of an effective project that adapts and evolves according to your needs.
  • With Commitment

    We don't start doing homework without studying first. We like to study, go deep, know the context and explore all possibilities. We analyze strengths and weaknesses, risks and opportunities, with a close look at the context and scientific literature.
  • With Thought

    Before any solutions comes thought, strategy, the ability to feel the needs and desires... If an idea doesn't convince us, we tell you, otherwise we are ready to find the best solution to implement it.
  • With Relationships

    We like to connect people, skills, ideas. We are in network with many professionals: if there is something we don't know how to do, there is always someone in our network who can do it. We can be like the directors of an orchestra, of a score we have written with you, but we can also select the best players to perform your music.
  • With Depth

    We don't like to work in bulk, and we don't sell activities "by that much:" ours is a tailor-made consulting business; we like to think of ourselves as a boutique of health communication and service design for people's well-being.
    We want everything to converge and be reflected in an overall vision to develop a coherent strategy.
  • With care

    or as we say in italian:
    With care

Il team

  • Rossella Failla
    Rossella Failla
    Founder | Interdisciplinary projects | Digital Communication
  • Chiara Di Lucente | con cura studio
    Chiara Di Lucente
    Founder | Science and health communicator | EU funded Projects
  • Francesca Memini | Con cura studio
    Francesca Memini
    Founder | Project Manager | Consultant
  • Maria Tasca | Con cura studio
    Maria Tasca
    Communication and UX Designer
  • Alessandro Parodi | Con cura studio
    Alessandro Parodi
    Founder | CTO